Fluid Inclusion Analysis
Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy Brochure
Using Fluid Inclusions To Explore for Oil and
Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy: A New Tool For Petroleum
Exploration & Exploitation
FIT announces "The New Well Logs"
Mass Spectrometer based volatile analysis for
Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy (see below)
Charge and Reservoir Evaluation - Ben Nevis Fault
Zone Transect; East Coast Canada
Evaluation of Key Wells from the Deep Devonian
- Integrating Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy
Continental Laboratories Ltd. &
Fluid Inclusion Technologies, Inc
Proudly Presents
An Alliance For Innovation
Mass Spectrometer based volatile analysis for
Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy (FIS) FIS may be utilized for observing bore hole profiles
of fluid chemistry or for delineating reservoir
compartmentalization and fluid contacts.
Applications of FIS: Exploration and Production
* migration pathway detection
* time-integrated seal distribution and characterization
* identification of dry holes which are proximal
to undiscovered petroleum
* pay/bypassed pay delineation
* product type prediction and product risk assessment
* pressure compartment delineation
* fault tracing
* identification of reservoir compartmentalization
and connectivity
* petroleum-water transition zone characterization
FIS generally follows two main lines of investigation:
A) A mass spectrometer analysis of volatiles present.
B) Fluid inclusion analysis , which includes petrography
and microthermometry to assess temperatures, salinity
and oil properties including API gravity.
What are Fluid Inclusions
Fluid inclusions are microscopic traces of past
or present-day subsurface fluids that become entrapped
in rocks during formation of diagenetic cements
or healed microfractures. These fluids are generally
faithful recorders of pore fluid chemistry and
are not subject to evaporation or loss of light
during sample storage, and/or sample preparation,
handling ect.
They persist in the geologic record
long after the parent fluids have moved on, and
are continuously formed even up to the very recent
past. Fluid inclusions can be detected, characterized
and quantified to variable degrees with sophisticated
instrumentation such as mass spectrometers, or
by preparing thin sections of rock material and
viewing them under a microscope equipped with
a controllable temperature stage. Specific tests
can be done on these inclusions in order to study
processes occuring within the earth, in particular,
processes involving migration and accumulation
of oil and gas. What is Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy
Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy (FIS) is a patented
Amoco technology, licensed to FIT Inc., which provides
a means of analyzing organic and inorganic fluid
species within fluid inclusions trapped in cuttings,
core or outcrop samples. The newly available technology
delivers a unique view of petroleum and diagenetic
processes operating from basin to reservoir scale.
Our automated analytical system employs a novel,
quadrupole mass spectrometer configuration that
allows rapid chemical characterization of inclusion
volatiles. This information is used to predict
the distribution of oil and gas within the subsurface,
to characterize specific aspects of undiscovered
petroleum that affect the economics of producing
the petroleum, and to provide information on
when (if at all) petroleum may have moved through
a given portion of the subsurface.
Large sample
sets from single or multiple wells can be evaluated,
allowing analysis of fluid inclusions in both
archived samples (cuttings or core), and currently
drilling wells to play a key and cost-effective
role in evaluation of exploration acreage and focusing
of exploration efforts on the most prospective
areas. These technologies are applicable to virtually
every geological environment, lithology, and
petroleum type. FIT's interpretive expertise is
based on experience analyzing over 750,000 samples
from more than 2500 wells encompassing every major
petroleum-producing enviroment. Over the last
8 years FIS has found significant petroleum
reserves, influenced exploration and acreage decisions
and provided innovative options for resource
estimations, petroleum and enhanced oil recovery
operations. Common Questions about Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy
1) What is the amount of each sample that you
require for analysis?
We analyze about 0.25-0.5 gram, but we suggest
that you send about 1-2 grams of material for each
2) Can the samples be from core as well
as drilling cuttings?
Core and cuttings work equally well. Generally
cores are sampled about 0.5 m and cuttings at
3-10 m depending on how often the cuttings were
caught. The core analysis has the potential to
provide very detailed information at the reservoir
scale. You can mix core and cutting samples from
the same well under the same pricing scheme. 3) Is 10 to 20 samples from a specific interval
enough to obtain a reasonable answer, or should
entire wells be analyzed?
We recommend analyzing as much of the section as
you can afford, because it always seems to provide
some useful and unexpected information, as well
as allowing establishment of background readings
outside the main zone of interest. 10-20 samples
is a pretty small sample set; we could arrange
to work with that few of samples, but it would
be better if you analyzed 180 samples from the
same well.
4) Does an interpretation of the raw data come
with each sample?
Analysis includes interpretation of both the FIS
data and thin sections that we prepare as part
of the basic FIS service. Additionally, we will
add electric log suites if you provide them in
LAS format. This is good for comparing log responses
with FIS data directly in the report.
5) Aside from cost and time, how does this type
of fluid inclusion analysis compare to other methods
of analysis (i.e. heating a sample of rock and
observing when the fluid inclusions disappear)?
Is it accurate?
The FIS technique is designed for looking at the
geometry of fluid distribution (both present and
past) in the context of exploration or production.
Traditional, microscope methods of studying fluid
inclusions are irreplaceable, give complementary
information, and we highly recommend them. Mostly
however, they address a different set of questions.
For example, temperature history, thermal maturity,
salinity, bubble point / dew point, and API gravity.
They do not provide larger scale information about
detailed fluid distribution or chemistry.
6) What is the cost per sample?
We offer a well stratigraphic evaluation based
on the presence or absence of key elements. With
this in mind we have two price schedules; one based
on 180 samples, and one based on 575 samples. We
really need to see as many samples as possible
to utilize FIS to it's full potential.
For additional information contact
Sean Emel at s.emel@continental-labs.ab.ca |